Ok so this is only going to be a quick post to let you know I managed to make my way to Mei Del's house. I will have you know that I have never in my life ever driven into London (around it numeerous times but not into it) The last time I went into London by road even as a passenger was 20+yrs ago. So I arrived mid morning then after a refreshing cuppa we set off. We are now at Fire Byrd's place and several (I have not been counting) glasses of champagne later here I am.
I will catch up with you all tomorrow as right now I have to get back to my almost full glass oh and the cards
Pictures, Pictures, Pictures
2 weeks ago
the tarot cards never lie.
I wonder how many glasses it's been to make life as it is now.
hugs xxx
I only wish I was with you guys. I'm so pissed off I couldn't make it AGAIN! I'll be posting WHY tomorrow (but I'm sure FB has told you a little bit!)
Hope the sun is shining on you this morning and that you have woken without a hangover.
I'd love to hear all about London. I've never been to England much less London but I love to see it on TV.
ok so now I know I must have been drinking because I told you I got to Mei's mid morning.......
very clever that as I didn't leave home until lunch time
LOL Well, it would seem that you had a wonderful trip.
<--will wait to hear about the lovely time you had
when I started to write this post I was inspired by the words on a coaster by the side of fire's laptop. I was going to quote the words but I got distracted by the conversation going on around me at the time (now completely a blurr) and forgot the whole point I wanted to make. Perhaps Fire could remind me of the words on the coaster.
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