Wednesday 28 May 2008


As she watches the fat drip from the meat she is preparing for their dinner, she wonders

how did it get to be like this again?

He had just told her that he needed her to take him to football for a 9.30pm kick off. As she added the sieved tomatoes and chopped onions, her mind was ticking over. How would she be able to manage this one then. A dash of salt, a shake of black pepper a large pinch of mixed herbs, she has always enjoyed puzzles and logic problems but this could take a bit of working out.

'Couldn't you fetch 'The child' early?'

'Not possible they wil still be on the mini bus until about 9.20'.

A slug of brown sauce and a large pinch of her secret ingredient (they have never noticed). If she plans it right and they leave on time she could just do it but it would be tight. She had planned to take her time cooking after another long day at work. No rush to get dinner served tonight, she could have it ready for when she got home after collecting 'the other worker' and 'the child'. But not now, now everything she had planned was going to change. Now she needed to have dinner ready by 8.oo so that 'the man child' could eat in plenty of time to allow him to be comfortable during his time in goal. Now she would have to leave home earlier.

As she stirs the meat laden sauce she begins to plan her escape. Warnings have been issued, in 48 hours time her free taxi service is being withdrawn temporarily. She has made plans that don't include them. Adding spaghetti to boiling water she contemplates the Friday afternoon traffic as she heads towards London then on further north to a destination that promises friends, music and booze. A welcome boost to her empty social calendar. It may only be a short break but a short break from normal routine has to be refreshing, either that or she will sleep like the dead and miss all the fun again!!


Vi said...

HAHAHAHA! That put a smile on my face!

Lady in red said...

lol I might not be participating with the diet but I'm still trying to stick with it

Utter Basketcase said...

YUMMMMMMMMMM!!!!! ffs! xx

DJ Kirkby said...

I love it when you write posts like you are telling a story, your talent really shines through!

Annie Wan said...

toot when you go past finchley, (grin)

friends, music and booze sound like a fabulous break

Karen said...

Hope you enjoy the break LinR. Weren't you supposed to be seeing Romeo this week????

nitebyrd said...

The pasta sauce sounds yummy! Enjoy your weekend, Lady. Have lots 'o FUN!!!

Lady in red said...

giggle did you want some? I blame your aunty vi for making me get back into proper cooking again. I shall have to get some new recipes from her when I'm there.

Lady in red said...

dj thank you.....coming from you that is a compliment indeed. I keep wanting to do more creative writing but just don't have any inspiration these days

Lady in red said...

mei we seem to be destined to pass close by each other at the moment.

Lady in red said...

gypsy I thought I would be seeing romeo last week but I have not heard from him at all since he asked me....I don't know what that is about.

Lady in red said...

dust bunny I am sure you will be reading about it on several blogs

Fire Byrd said...

I'll see you there hon.... is blah ready for us!

Lady in red said...

BB it will be lovely to see you again and I know you will adore Vi.....just remember it is not obligatory to take a guy half your age to bed with you when there unless thats what you want ;-)