Having arrived a little late due to the heavy traffic 'grockles heading to the coast' (he doesn't much like grockles and said so many times). I climbed into his very nice comfortable S type Jaguar. We said hello and he asked what we do now, so once he had turned his car around I suggested I take him upto my favourite view looking out over the city and the sea beyond it. I directed him along the route I take every morning until we reached the turning for the motorway, instead we carried on north up through a local village before turning east along the back roads that pass through some lovely countryside. I'm not sure when but somewhere along the road he held my hand. It felt so right to be holding hands and we just talked and talked until we reached our destination. Parking up he left the air con on for a few minutes before going to get a drink. Only he then leaned over for a kiss, our first kiss after waiting for so long. That kiss soon became lots of kisses. After an age of sitting in his car talking a little and kissing a lot he asked if instead of visiting the local castle that sat nestled on the edge of the water far below us perhaps we should just find a hotel room.
I reminded him that we had agreed that we wouldn't sleep together on our first date. But that was months ago and our conversations have at times become very intimate and at times extremely horny. He didn't put any pressure on me, just told me that I was driving him wild. (yes I know that is pressure of a sort). But we both wanted it, we have waited so long to be together and I had no idea how long I would have to wait until I get to see him again. I couldn't wait another 5 months. I was comfortable with him it felt right so I agreed. He asked where we could find a good hotel, (remember this man spends half his life in 5* hotels). I mentioned the big hotel virtually below where we were sitting. So he rang through and reserved a room. It must be lovely to be in a position where you don't even have to ask 'how much?'.
We had a choice of routes to the hotel but we decided against the quick route, straight over the edge of the hill. We turned east so I asked him if he wanted to see where I work which he did. Once I had shown him our office (he wasn't very keen on he speed humps in the road approaching my workplace) we headed back to the motorway and the city where we were soon booking in. First we found the bar and had a quiet drink or at least that was what we were hoping for. Holding hands as we chatted and drank. Driving for 3 hours (should have been under 2) in the heat and strong sun Romeo was suffering from a headache but once he had taken some tablets and cooled down he began to feel better. His mood was disturbed though by some of the hotel staff who were moving gym equipment right past us, making an awful racket. It seemed to be never ending.
Once I had drained my spiced rum and diet coke and he had made light work of his diet coke we made our way to our room. Romeo is of the breed of man who still holds doors open and believes in women first, as well as holding my hand all the time as we walked anywhere. Our room was light and airy with a lovely view of 'the junction' , anyone who lives in the area knows which junction I mean, it used to be a roundabout until a few years ago at great expence and outrage they changed it to the junction it is today. Many people avoided it for a long time, it can be quite scary until you get used to it. Especially the first time you stop at the lights to find that the oncoming traffic is directly ahead of you.
We stood kissing and I gave him the gold package I had been hiding in my handbag. I had bought this silly gift months ago when I had thought meeting was imminent. I had tried to think of a way of making sure there was no awkward moment when we first met. So I bought him this gift that he could unwrap and we could have a giggle. It wasn't needed but I gave it to him anyway. He opened it behind my back as he hugged me to him . Once he had opened his gift I pushed him onto the bed and climbed up onto his lap to kiss him some more. This led to undressing each other. Before you start thinking otherwise I had him stripped naked before I was and I don't suppose many of you will believe that the very last garment to be discarded was my white and pink lace knickers that matched my bra. (I am so glad I chose to wear a matching pair, not all my bras have matching briefs).
Don't worry DJ I am not about to give details of the next few hours. Actually I don't know how many hours we lay together on that bed as I don't even know what time we arrived at the hotel let alone the room. It was about 6.45 by the time we thought about going out for dinner and nearer 8pm by the time we left the hotel. 5 minutes later we were at the marina deciding which restaurant to choose but to our disgust the place was full of more grockles we should have stayed at the hotel for dinner. We finally chose a restaurant and waited to be given a table but after several minutes of waiting (this didn't please Romeo) a nonchalant gum chewing girl informed us that they had stopped serving at 8pm wtf !!!
So we elected to eat in the Indian on the level above. The service was poor and the food bland but the company was lovely. Romeo dropped me off at the end of my road at about 10pm to begin his drive back along the coast to the home he has spent so very little time in this year. Romeo told me that it will probably be about 3 weeks before he can see me again. 3 weeks is nothing after waiting over 5 months, but it is still hard going and its only been 2 days. Last night he text me as he was on his way to Belgium again. I already knew he would be going but had thought it would be later in the week. so now we enter the second phase of our relationship. We are now 'seeing each other'. but as he says it will be irratic. I am expecting it to be both easier and more difficult for me now.

Cripes I didnt realise this was to be the first time you had actually met....
Please protect your heart but most importantly your soul.....
Hi Lady, sounds like it was everything you hoped it would be. I'd find it very difficult to be waiting so long between visits, but then you've been patient this long. I'm happy for you.
Losing track of how many hours you've lain together on a hotel bed...I love it when that happens!
It's a long time since I've seen the word 'Grockle' used. I wonder if it's unique to Hampshire and The Island. We used to call them 'Gongoozlers'
Nice story, you deserve its happy ending. I mean, a happy end of Part 1. Waiting with interest ...
Oh, what memories you've created already.......
I'm glad for the two of you--though I've no doubt the distance will be difficult, the journey is doable yaknow!
Wow, I don't read for a few days and LOOK WHAT HAPPENS!!!!!
I'm glad you finally had a date with him!
Oh joy! Sometimes things just feel right and I'm glad you gave way to your emotions ... and so, I understand, are you!
*deep sigh*
I know that the waiting will be hard but now at least you know exactly what you're waiting for!
I'm sitting here, grinning like an idiot :D
marmite it has certainly been a long time coming
Cheeky normally I wouldn't be this patient but I only have two choices, be patient or say goodbye
I've waited this long so I am prepared to give it a go and see what happens plus he is looking to delegate more and work from closer to home as much as he can.
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