Thursday 25 September 2008

a question of no style

Following my post last night vincent asked about my comment that I had power dressed on Tuesday. I thought I would do a fashion post or lack of fashion maybe depending on your perspective.

On Monday I was feeling light and feminine so I went to work wearing a long pale pink skirt that I obtained during my ebay flurry in august.

This was teamed up with a thin cerise sweater.

My outfit was finished off with these pale pink shoes.

By contrast on Tuesday when I wanted to feel more confident and strong I chose a very different outfit. Short black pinstripe skirt, black tank top blouse and jacket finished with black stockings and black court shoes.

Wednesday I was feeling strong enough not to need the power suit so I wore black trousers, with a red camisole under a sheer black blouse embroidered with stars, finishing the out fit with these red shoes.

Today I went for a softer look wearing the black trousers again but this time with a white short sleeved blouse with a pink scarf and my pink sling back shoes.

I wonder what I shall choose tomorrow


Annie Wan said...

when i was working i used to put on pillar box red lipstick on when i meant business, it made me feel particularly strong and capable of winning every argument, lol

i love those pink shoes!

MarmiteToasty said...

Pretty shoes..... only, I dont DO pink lol...... except a pair of pink crocs for the garden *ha

Your outfits look very lady/business like...


Mel said...

<--another who doesn't DO pink.

(not even a hint of it.....)

Though I do own a lot of black.
WAY too much black...


CheekyDani said...

Phwaor! Loving Tuesday's and Wednesday's outfits, you sexy beast you!

I always dress to how I feel, if I'm down I reflect that, if I'm feeling sexy, I dress up to that. Or if I need to feel some way I'll dress to that, like if I need to be brave, I'll wear red for instance. It works every time... x