I would like to say I had a quiet lazy weekend especially after how tired I have been and knowing that the next two weekends are going to be very tiring. (next weekend I am going to visit Firebyrd with a few other bloggers I shall be driving up with Mei Del like I did last time.) The following weekend I am driving my mum up to visit my grandmother in the cotswolds. I took mum out for a trial drive today (the first time she has driven since her op). My grandmother will be 90 over the christmas holidays and still lives on her own, still drives short distances. I have decided to write a story for her for christmas probably about a little girl watching all the mischief that the occupants of a classy gift shop (such as the one y grandparents had when I as growing up) get upto at night. But I am also getting together a hamper of useful things for her including copy paper for her computer printer, washing powder etc. Things she would normally have to buy but will be able to save the money to spend on heating and food.
Saturday I did my six monthly turn my paper work out. I had to renew my car tax. My filing system consists of ...............open the envelope read it put it to one side to deal with later. Then after a few days scoop them all up and stow them in one of two drawers or a box in the corner of my bedroom. Then when I need something like when my tax is due I turn everything out on my bed until I find what I need. I always do find it eventually as I always keep everything for 6 years at least.
Having paid a few other bills (thats most of my xmas bonus gone already) I went to dee my mum before going shopping. My brother and family were there when I arrived, after they had gone we discussed what to buy my boys for xmas. I really don't know what to buy for any of them this year. Then I had to dash home to take JA to collect 2 of his friends who were staying over as it is JA's b'day tomorrow. My baby will be a teenager tomorrow.
I had decided to treat them to take away Pizza but first I still needed to go shopping for a few bits. While I was waiting for the pizzas I passed the time reading back over some of the romantic text messages Romeo has sent me (I couldn't help smiling). By the time I had shopped and bought pizza it was 8pm before I got back home.
Today has been a bit of a rush too. Taking the boys back home at 10 am as they were tres tired having not slept all night. Now I know what the bumps in the night were and when I thought someone had fallen down the stairs (I didn't investigate as I didn't hear anyone cry or scream etc). I managed to win an ebay auction for microsoft office 2003 for OJ for his laptop. before heading out to escort mum on her maiden drive. We collected OJ so that he could have a chat about Law with his learned (retired solicitor) granny while I headed off for a quick session at the gym. No problems this time. (I avoided the treadmill this week and made sure I drank plenty of water afterwards).
Back to mum's to join in the conversation with mum and OJ then drop OJ back home and gather up DC and off to the Shopping Outlet centre. Managed to buy some trainers for JA and also my secret santa gift for Firebyrd's party. By the time we got to Tesco it had closed 10 minutes earlier.
Next stop was the tres tres posh Golf and Country Club which DC wanted to join for it's gym. It is not far from his work and several of his work mates are members. He is now a Corporate Member (if I want to join I can join on his Corporate Membership because I am his mother and he still lives at home.) It was very impressive and I do like the idea of swimming by candlelight. The Bistro is quite inviting too. The sort of place I can envisage taking Romeo to eat. It is only £7.50 per month more than the gym I belong to which doesn't have a swimming pool or a Bistro. I do enjoy swimming so perhaps I shall treat myself to a change in the New Year.
I managed to get myself into a spot of road rage after leaving. Pulling up to a roundabout that appeared to be clear I shot out into the turning in time to see a car speeding towards me on my left. Ok I just had time to get out of his way but he was not happy, after blasting his horn for far too long he kept on my tail with his lights blazing trying to intimidate me. I just continued on my way with him following up close for a few miles, there were plenty of chances fro him to overtake but he didn't. He waited until another roundabout onto a busy A road before he came around me cutting me up. Upon reaching the bottom of the hill by the village he turned left back towards the way we had come which just told me that he would have got to his destination quicker had he turned off several miles earlier. DC says tht in my place he would have kept stepping on the brakes to make the prat slow down then he would have wound down his window and given them the finger. I just don't think it was worth the aggravation. So he didn't like me pulling out in front of him, so he had to slow down a little, but he hadn't reached the roundabout so I was safe. Get over it prat!!
I have been stooooopid tonight though. Because I really don't know what to buy for any of my boys this year, I can't buy clothes or music as I would get them wrong. I had a mini brain wave.
This is where you have to imagine the thought bubble over my head (I think I will get them a Wii they will be cheaer this year). So a quick visit to ebay find one for £150 which is just about to end and one for £170 also about to end. On impulse I bid on one that has 10 seconds to go. So now I have won a wii for £172. Now I am panicking!! have I bought this for them or me? They have never once said they want one, they are happy with their computers and PS3. Is it just me who thinks it would be good after all it was fun when I played on Trixie's wii with her and firebyrd. Plus I now realise this one doesn't come with any games. So I have been trawling ebay etc looking for games.
Now I must finish this as I have to wrap up JA's birthday presents ready for the morning.
Pictures, Pictures, Pictures
2 weeks ago
i still can't figure out what you were doing "dee" ing your mum ...
i now avoid ebay like the plague becos what appears as bargains could get one spending more as you click click click! and before you know it you've bought more items than when you first started - at least that had been my experience.
i agree, presents get hardr as they get older!
really looking forward to next weekend :)
lol I really should proof read before hitting publish.
I went to SEE my mum
I'm looking forward to next weekend too
Hope youhave fun next weekend. say hi to FireByrd for me and tell her I still think she is gorgeous. You have been HECTIC! Gawd I thought my life was busy but yours...I get tied reading your posts. Your gran sounds so cool and your mom too. I hope the trip to visit your gran is a comfy one for your mom. I think you bought the Wii for you...I am a teensy bit jealous. xo
i am not so lucky.. momsy have made everybody take a homemade gift pledge that we will give only something we have made ourselves as gifts to each other this Xmas. *chuckles*
An alternative to pressing on the brakes is to keep putting your rear fog lights on this has the same effect but you are not actually slowing down.
He was obviously just a tosser and was highly likely driving with no insurance or no license.
God I am cynical...hope you managed to get a least a little rest...xx
LOL@Mei Del and 'dee' :) aint it funny how one can pick out one simple spelling error LOL
Goodness you sound as busy as me....
Ive bought my Jacob a Wii for crimbo with all the trimmings.... he has an X-box and PS3 and laptop but had great fun on his maties Wii..... so I went the whole hog and bought that broad thingie to LOL but I think that will be more fun for me.......
Not sure what to pick for S, B or T yet, anyways its ages til crimbo right - and there is nuffin they really need or want lol spoilt gits ....
And T did just have 300 quid off me towards his engagement party on Saturday, and a pressie LOL...
Hugs to you and your dear mum, glad to hear she is back to driving......
oh hon...doesn't sound like you got a very good deal with the Wii. It should at least come with one game, the Wii sports. You will need to buy at least another remote control, which you can buy with the wii game for £30. You will also have to buy another numb chucker...and best to buy a charger as well (ebuyer.co.uk is the best place to buy the charger).
I ended up spending £300 buying my wii and accesories for the boys.
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