It began with an afternoon shopping trip. This was going to be no ordinary shopping trip. Plumber was taking me to a sex shop, my first ever, to buy me whatever toys I wanted. As it turned out the shop was a bit of an anti climax. I chose one toy but overall we were not impressed with the shop. I think from now on I shall purchase any future toys and other accessories online.
Following this we investigated a new store that had only been open a few months. Starting off checking out the printed canvases and soft furnishings we then moved outside to the garden centre checking out bulbs, pots and possible paving designs. Next we took the escalator to the upper floor where we checked out the variety of sofas and armchairs. That was fun although I did bring attention to myself when I was about to stand up from one of the reclining archairs that Plumber couldn't make work. As I moved to stand it shot out suprising me so much that I shrieked, Plumber thought I had been hurt.
By the time we had been to Tesco for a bottle of my favourite rum and some diet coke we were both hungry. We decided against going anywhere for dinner instead we bought fish and chips to take back to his house. A glass or two each of red wine to go with our supper we had a relaxing evening watching tv and taking it in turns to have a bath. Of course that night we had to experiment with my new toy together with the other new ones I had got from an Ann Summers party a week earlier.
Sunday we had a lazy morning sleeping in, having a light breakfast and watching tv before he dropped me home. It being Mother's day we both had mothers to see. The rest of the week saw us spending each night either together or talking online. There was much tv watching, films included 'Troy' and 'The goood, The bad and The Ugly'. Documentaries included 'the Coast' among many others. Meals were cooked and eaten. Most of the time we were at his place but we also drank tea and watched tv at my place. He has forged a bond with our family cat.
Mid week he was poorly, he wanted me to spend the evening keeping him company. Just being there with him helped, he says I kept him calm where he would normally be irritable. That night I didn't stay over but drove home in the midnight fog.
This last week has been good, it has been companionable. It could have been a very sexual week but it wasn't it was nice just to have each other's company. It reminded me what I miss not being in a relationship. It was good behaving like a proper couple. But we are not a proper couple. I doubt we ever will be. He doesn't want a commitent and I have various reason why he would not be my chosen partner in life. But for now having him in my life is good and I am glad to bring some sunshine into his life too.
The Art Of Stage Makeup
4 days ago
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